Empire Cloud wants to assist that journey since receiving the correct education has the power to change someone’s life forever. Utilize the power and flexibility of our no-code Salesforce apps to automate admissions, carry out targeted hiring, and build gorgeous student portals with straightforward self-service features and individualized learning resources. Utilize real-time Salesforce data to establish personal connections with students; with Empire Cloud, no one is ever simply a number!
Create beautiful student portals with just a few clicks and no coding to enable students to control their own classes, monitor reports, and quickly get answers to their often-asked questions while also making pertinent resources readily available.
Get any Salesforce form you could possibly want for school, including application forms, financial aid forms, registration forms, career services forms, and a ton more. Every form is fully dynamic and instantly integrated with Salesforce.
Send course evaluations, professor surveys, student interest surveys, and student satisfaction surveys to students to learn what they think of your classes, instructors, and educational institutions. Increase student involvement and quality of life!