Transform Your Non-Profit Organization with Salesforce® NPSP

Empire Cloud’s no-code business apps for Salesforce help nonprofit organizations in Nonprofit Cloud increase fundraising, grantmaking, and donor engagement. You may easily develop donor and volunteer portals, automate any nonprofit workflow, and collect any kind of data with dynamic forms without having any specialized technological expertise. Give Empire Cloud a call if you’re a charitable organization and ask about our discounts.

What is Salesforce® Non-Profit Cloud?

Non-Profit Cloud, which is built on Salesforce, combines digital workflows for event management, fundraising, marketing, and volunteerism. Management teams must provide services that go above and beyond what current digital stakeholders demand. The #1 CRM is used by The Non-Profit Cloud, which is essentially free and open-source, to develop a Constituent Relationship Management system for nonprofit organizations. Non-profit organizations may use one integrated platform to fund and manage all of their campaigns, thanks to the cloud.

More About Salesforce® Non-Profit Cloud

Growth Kit

The Growth Kit, a product bundle from's Nonprofit Cloud that contains NPSP, Pardot, and Quip, is available. Similar product bundles can also be modified to meet the demands of the customer by adding Communities, Marketing Cloud, or 3rd party Applications, etc., using NPSP.

Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP)

The Salesforce development platform's data architecture, known as the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP), has been preconfigured with a variety of use cases that Non-profit Organizations require, including support for households, donations, and more. It has pre-built fundraising and constituent management capabilities because it was created for and in collaboration with a community of over 47,000 organizations.

Benefits of Non-Profit Cloud

Keeps the Business Organized

The built-in capability of the Cloud enables your nonprofit to create workspaces for each participant.

Is Affordable

The Salesforce program "The Power of Us" is free but also very reasonably priced.

Provides Support

This adaptable open-source data architecture combines the community and the data to give a thorough perspective of various contributors, constituents, and more.

Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP)

The Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) provides direct access to the potential contributors and customers who will help a nonprofit organization succeed. You have complete freedom to alter how the constituent journey is tailored.

How to customize the Non-Profit Cloud?

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud includes a variety of simple-to-use capabilities that let you make, update, hide, or modify certain fields in accordance with your particular requirements. The platform's functions won't be impacted by changing or updating the existing Field Labels.

It is a feature that may be installed as a package. Tracking volunteer contacts, creating volunteer campaigns, adding volunteer roles and possibilities, and enabling volunteer registration are all possible here.

To ensure data quality, data cleansing is crucial. The fact that Salesforce Consultants imports data via NPSP or Nonprofit Success Pack helps with efficient data management. To standardize the import of donation data, NPSP uses a collection of imported pre-designed data templates for user accounts and contacts.

The most potent tool for integrating any platform or application from a third party with Salesforce is Salesforce Integration. It makes use of several programming interfaces so that programmers can build unique apps and websites based on the data in the backend. As a result, you may combine accounting software or Gmail with Salesforce to manage donation reports or email campaigns much more quickly and efficiently.

You may need to use automation in several procedures if you run a nonprofit. For instance, a task can be automatically produced to thank someone over the phone if they give you a present worth more than $20,000. By creating assignments and reminders for particular departments based on predetermined criteria or operational events, automation can improve your job efficiency. 

The reports offer useful summary analysis. You might need to create some customized reports if you're seeking for a deeper approach. The same metrics won't be required to be tracked by every organization. You can generate pre-generated personalized reports that aid in monitoring and maximizing the growth of your NPO.

Email templates - For those who send out numerous emails each day, email templates are the finest option. You can create hundreds of emails using a collection of well-designed templates without even considering the email design. For case updates, donation acknowledgments, event invitations, promotional offers, donation campaign emails, and monthly bulletins, make use of the strength of Salesforce's marketing & communication tools to send carefully curated emails to both single recipients and large groups of people.